Jumat, 14 Mei 2010

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzche

Nggak disangka-sangka filsuf yang bilang bahwa "Tuhan sudah mati" ini ternyata tulisannya bagus-bagus juga. Bukan tulisan yang tentang Tuhan-nya ya. Gue suka gaya bahasanya, kayak puisi. Tapi serem banget ni orang kayaknya hiii.

Jadi ceritanya gw abis nyicil "Berkenalan dengan Eksistensialisme"nya Fuad Hassan dan disitu ada quote-quote dari si Nietzche ini. Well overall I thought he's a freak because he said that "God is dead!" and he calls himself Zarathustra which is the God of the ancient Persians. Terus salah satu quotenya yang gw pikir super serem adalah

"They did not end in a twilight, though this lie is told. Instead one day they laughed themselves to death. That happened when thr most godless word issue from one of the gods themselves-the word: 'There is one god. Thou shalt have no other god before me." An old grimbeard of a god, a jealous one, thus forgot himself. And then all the gods laughed and rocked on their chairs and cried: Is not just this godlike that there are gods but no god?" (Z-182, PN-294)

Serem kan? Tapi ternyata ada juga quote-quotenya yang gw suka kayak

"You great star, what would your happiness be had you not those for whom you shine" (Z-9, PN-121)
"I love those whose soul is deep, even when wounded...
I love those who has a free spirit and a free heart...
I love those who are as heavy drops, falling one by one out of the dark cloud that hangs over men, they herald the advent of lightning, and, as heralds, they perish." (Z-16, PN-128)

"Brave is he who knows fear but conquers fear, who sees the byss, but with pride" (Z-288, PN-400)

"But your lame foot is sitting on the horse too. When you reach your goal, when you jump off your horse--on your very height...you will stumble" (Z-290, PN-402) Ini buat orang yang menempati suatu tempat tinggi bukan karena ikhtiarnya sendiri

"Lift up your hearts, my brothers, high, higher!
And do not forget your legs either" (Z-294, PN-406)

"One repays a teacher badly if one always remains nothing but a pupil" (Z-78, PN-190)

"They do not understand me; I am not the mouth for these ears" (Z-18, PN-130)

Sisanya? Serem dan freak -,-" Udah bilang Tuhan sudah mati, terus dia bilang perang itu keharusan biar bisa tau bangsa mana yang paling kuat, bangsa yang kalah diem aja katanya suruh tunduk sama yang kuat. zzzz. Serem! But it's just my point of view though..

3 komentar:

the speakerbird mengatakan...

hahaha paman gembul. haaa? hell is other people? gimana kak skripsinya? hasilku apa kak? jd penasaran huhehe

Unknown mengatakan...

waktu Nietzsche mati, Tuhan berkata Nietzsche sudah mati.. haha

menarik orang itu, dan gua baca itu berkali2. hmm, logically filsafatnya dia bagus, tapi kayaknya Tuhan ga mati de... ahahhaha

the speakerbird mengatakan...

Kak Tian: ngakaak hahaha.betulbetulbetul kata upinipin. dia serem ya tapi

Kak Rendra: haha ini lagi orang serem. masa hell is other people -,-"
tau tuh blognya sasti gak bisa di comment emang. aneh. heheh coba ngeblog lah kak lumayan buat katarsis hhe
wah apaan tuh kak? tau nih nyebelin sering gitu

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